Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I love my Stepdad's garden so much because of the cool flowers, fruits and vegetables that we grow.

But then, we all eat it!

I also like when my friends come to see.  I know my friends like it, too.

When we play, we always stare at it.  And I am the only person in my family who likes the garden so much.

I feel good when I'm in the garden or even if I'm not.  I just hope that it stays there.  Maybe when I'm older, I will be a gardener!

Sal loves when I help get out the old fruits and vegetables in the garden.  Sal also loves when I am picking other things, too!

Sometimes I am disappointed that when I am with my Dad for the weekend, I do not get to do all of the fun stuff I do with Sal because my Dad lives in an apartment building.

But I am still very happy when I am with my Dad.

My Stepdad knows I love his garden.  I hope you could have a garden like my Stepdad's.

After that, we have dinner.  Dinner was super!  Super as always.

"Mmm-hmm," we say.  We are definitely having vegetables the next day.

I just love Sal's garden.  Speaking of vegetables, let's talk about flowers.

I love the way the flowers drift in the sun so much.

Do you?